Rare eggs have a higher chance of producing stronger Monsties, and while. For everything you need to know about monster eggs, dens, and more, we've got it all covered right here. (Image credit: Capcom) Rare Monster Hunter Stories 2 eggs are what should aim for when assembling the best Monstie team.

You can obtain monster eggs from nests inside Monster Dens, but you won't know what is inside of each egg unless you are already familiar with the egg pattern.

RELATED: Monster Hunter Stories 2: Beginner Tips To Get You Started This guide will show players how to find it. Out of those, there are 85+ that can become monsties who join your team. Home Gaming Game Guides How to Find (& Get) Legiana in Monster Hunter Stories 2 By Sky Flores Published Legiana is one of the stronger monsters for players to add to their roster in Monster Hunter Stories 2. Use a Finding Charm to increase the chances we'd find a Nergigante egg with decent genes. There are 200+ kinds of monsters throughout the game that you can encounter, though some are variants of each other. There are a total of 235 MH Stories eggs that are available for you to catch. Here are the steps we took to get a Nergigante egg: Defeat the Nergigante story boss. One of the main things you'll be focusing on in Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is collecting different kinds of monster eggs so that you can build your perfect monstie party.