Prints mailing address on different sizes of envelope, including unlimited custom size envelope.Automatically prints cheque amount as words.For first time users, it is advisable that you cut a piece of blank paper into the size of your cheque and test print once, just to be sure how your printer's orientation is. Place your check in Portrait mode in the printer tray.You may use Laser Printer, InkJet Printer or Dot Matrix Printer to print cheques, however, please note that Chrysanth Cheque Writer only supports printers that support "Custom Page Size".It's extremely easy to set up, all you need is a computer and a printer.It's FREE compared to a costly check writer machine!.When making payments via cheque on a recurring basis, you may store and print the payees' mailing address easily.Your payees will have a better impression of your business when they receive a well printed check.To save time and cheques by avoiding typo or unclear writing when writing a cheque manually, such as writing the word FORTY as FOURTY.Why You Need To Use Check Writing Software? Simple and easy to use screenshot for Chrysanth Cheque Writer software: Cheque Writer for Papua New Guinea Banks.Check Writer for United States of America Banks.Cheque Writer for United Arab Emirates (UAE) Banks.